Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Social Media for Business

When investing time in any marketing effort for your business, be sure that you are making the most of your ROI (return on investment). This means the money or time (because we all know by now that time is money) you devote to your social media campaigns needs to be delivering some sort of payoff. This payoff might be financial or perhaps another type, for instance developing important and beneficial connections. The main thing about ROI is that you simply need to decide before hand what you expect social media to do for you and your business.
Unfortunately, most people who make use of social media don't keep track of their ROI at all. They may keep track of dollars expended, however usually do not take into account their time spent at all. While they commit an exorbitant amount of time to social media, there's no accounting for it. The fact is that if the time spent is not well thought out and strategically planned with consideration to specific goals, a great deal of that time is not productive.
Since most business owners don't study the impact of their of social media campaigns, they have no idea that they may be wasting a lot of time and effort on activities that are not paying off. Activities that suck up valuable time exist in every business, large or small, but social media without direction, like long social telephone phone calls, can be one of the biggest time wasters in your business if you let it be. If you find yourself using any avenue of your business to do anything besides generate leads leading to revenue, then study the ROI of any activity you spend on any activity in your business.
There are several ways to maximize your ROI when making use of social media. The best way is to optimize the time you spend on social media by strategically using automation tools. However, be conscious of the fact that some certain types of automation may be detractors while others can add a great deal of value. Which types add or subtract are truly subjective to your business and are issues that you should study within your own organization.
There are various types of automation for social media which enable you to create your content once and distribute it throughout all of your channels. There is also automation available to schedule posts about your blogs or new content and even website plugins which allow a you to publish and schedule multiple posts with the push of a button. Other kinds of automation let you interact with new people, for example auto tweets to brand new followers and auto following on Twitter along with constant re-tweets and re-sending of the identical information at different time periods throughout any given day.
What is important to keep in mind is to value your time above all else. After that, be certain that you're creating value for other users of social media as you decide which forms of automation to use. Automation can keep you from wasting time. There isn't any valid reason to spend time publishing exactly the same link to the same new article or blog post again and again throughout all your social media channels. However, there are all kinds of reasons for making personal contact with people who follow you, "Like" your Facebook page or comment on what you've written. Activities such as these turn prospects into paying customers. Naturally, social media is social at its heart, and you cannot be social if you're spending all your time posting information rather than connecting with the prospective customers that are waiting for you.


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